
Death in Custody | Investigation into Deaths in Custody Now!

People regularly die in government custody or at the hands of the police. Official statistics about these incidents are not made public. Recent deaths, including those of Hussam Fadl, Amad Ahmad, Matiullah Jabarkhil, Rooble Warsame, William Tonou-Mbobda, Aman Alizada, Mohamed Idrissi, and Ferhat Mayouf, demonstrate that Black people and people of color are at especially high risk of death while in State “care” and at the hands of the police; this is clear evidence of a racist system. Those responsible are practically never held responsible by the legal system, to the contrary, the victim is often criminalized after their death in order to exonerate those in uniform.

The Death in Custody Campaign works to counter this state of affairs by:

  • researching, documenting and scandalizing the rate at which people die in racist government custody in Germany
  • demanding investigations, accountability and the establishment of effective methods of protection to avoid deaths in custody
  • acting in solidarity with all victims of racist violence, and their loved ones.


Death in Custody is an alliance of various anti-racist, anti-colonialist groups and individuals:



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